Redesigned our user signup and company creation process to improve the completion rate and decrease the time to completion.
Improve onboarding completion rate, and reduce onboarding time to completion
Increase trial activity, increase conversion rate
Product Designer and Product Manager
Engineering Team, Stakeholders
We were unsatisfied with our onboarding completion rate, only 78% made it through the process. And the ones that made it, took a median amount of 7 minutes.
By increasing the onboarding success rate and reducing the time and friction to create a user and company, this would improve our users trial activity and lead to higher user adoption rates.
Completion Rate
Time to Completion
Trial Activity
Adoption Rate
Our current onboarding process has two steps. First is to create a user, then to create a company. If a user is invited by another user, then they skip the create company process and join the already created company.
FullStory is a powerful tool we use to research feature adoption and get qualitative feedback on our users. I was able to see how they interacted with our onboarding experience.
In person testing gave us the extra insight FullStory didn’t. This consisted of stakeholders and a few customers who hadn’t gone through the process in a while.
I looked at different companies onboarding experiences for inspiration. With tools like, I was able to find best practices across all tech verticals.
#1 Two Call to Action Buttons
The 2 call to actions on the user verification page was confusing. People were missing the email verification button.
#2 Landing on Sign In Page
Clicking signup from the website took you to the sign in page, requiring an extra click to sign up. This created extra confusion.
#3 Subpar Design Hierarchy
Including multiple fields in a single page created less "steps" but more attention to each step. It forced us to cram fields which created inconsistent visual hierarchy.
#4 Excessive Clicking
Page of drop downs created an extra click for each field, exhausting the users attention throughout the process.
#5 Nonessential Questions
Certain questions could be asked later when the user wanted to interact with that setting, not required during the sign up process.
#6 Contextual Overload
A long form for the users first experiences in D-Tools Cloud required more attention than was necessary.
Instead of cramming 10 steps onto a single page, split up the steps into individual pages to feel less overwhelming. This should reduce user exhaustion for each page and throughout the onboarding process.
Design a fluid hierarchy, walking the user through each page with consistent form structure to easily follow the next step, with each additional step in close proximity.
Instead of having to click twice to select a dropdown, once to open and another to select, only make the user click once by breaking out the options into buttons that take you to the next step, and an extra bonus of nice looking icons for visual appeal.
Using Google's Autocomplete API from Maps, we could ask for just a single address field. Google would search and complete the full address and if needed we could show an expanded view for manual entry.
A look at our final design with improvements to both the user flow and visual design for the Create User and Create Company flow.
Our goal was to increase our onboarding completion rate and reduce time to completion.
We achieved our goal!
95.7% Completion Rate
(up from 77.8%)
90 second Completion Time
(down from 7 minutes)
Achieving our goals for this project was to support a product objective of increasing trial activity and adoption rate.
Trial Activity
Conversion Rate
Tracking Objectives vs. Goals
Affecting the bottom line with a single feature can be hard. It's important to have smaller attainable goals with the intention of impacting and achieving your objective.
KISS - Keep it Simple Silly
More pages isn’t always a bad thing. Keeping each page simple and direct made each step more focused and the entire process faster.
Entire Journey
For this project, we focused on just part of the user journey with the product sign up flow. There are steps before on the website and steps after in the product that are worth visiting next!
Define New Goals
While we influenced only one of our objectives, we can select a new set of goals to continue to drive our product objectives.